She is easily exhausted by this mode of defense, however. In Lyoko, she can also use telekinesis to disable her foes, usually be dropping virtual rocks on them. It has been shown she is quite athletic in Lyoko, often leaping high into the "air" before throwing her Tessen Fans, her primary weapons.

She is the leader of the group in the virtual world, often jumping in to save the day at the last moments. Yumi's Lyoko attire is modeled after a Japanese geisha. She lives with her parents and her younger brother, Hiroki, in a house not too far from Kadic, as she walks to and from the school. Yumi is the only student not boarding at Kadic. She also sometimes integrates Japanese words into her speech, which only Ulrich and Odd can understand (once in Exploration and again in Vertigo ).

She is of Japanese descent, and even did a cultural report at school on her homeland in The Girl of the Dreams, bringing in some traditional samurai armor (she calls it "something that has been in my family for centuries"). She wears the same boots as in season 1-3. Her season 4 outfit is like her sports clothes. Basically its the american goth look, black sweater, black pants, and black boots. Yumi likes wearing black, and all her clothes (and her hair) are that color. Yumi usually talks to Jeremie about her feelings about Sissi, Ulrich, and the others, as seen in Logbook. In "Echoes" Yumi and Ulrich become a couple, before the last "Return To The Past". She is in the 9th grade, but the rest of the Lyoko Warriors are in the 8th grade. She was the last one to join the Lyoko Warriors at the beginning.